Physics (dispersion, breaking, friction)


  • DISPERSION: logical parameter for inclusion of dispersion terms. T - calculate dispersion, F - no dispersion terms. Default: T.

  • Gamma1: parameter for linear dispersive terms. 1.0 - inclusion of linear dispersive terms, 0.0 - no linear dispersive terms. Default: 1.0.

  • Gamma2: parameter for nonlinear dispersive terms. 1.0 - inclusion of nonlinear dispersive terms, 0.0 - no nonlinear dispersive terms. Default: 1.0.

    Gamma1 = 1.0, Gamma2 = 0.0 for NG’s equations.

    Gamma1 = 1.0, Gamma2 = 1.0 for the fully nonlinear Boussinesq equations.

  • Gamma3: parameter for linear shallow water equations (Gamma3 = 0.0 for linear SWE). When Gamma3 = 0.0, Gamma1 and Gamma2 automatically become zero. Default: 1.0.

  • Beta_ref: parameter \(\beta\) defined for the reference level. \(\beta\) = -0.531 for NG’s and FUNWAVE equations. Default: -0.531.

  • VISCOSITY_BREAKING: logical parameter for viscous breaking. When this option is selected, Cbrk1 and Cbrk2 are needed. Default is shock-capturing type breaking.

  • Cbrk1: parameter \(C1\) in Kennedy et al. (2000). Default: 0.45

  • Cbrk2: parameter \(C2\) in Kennedy et al. (2000). Default: 0.35


Cbrk1 and Cbrk2 were re-calibrated in Choi et al. (2018). \(C1\) is around 0.45 in FUNWAVE-TVD, instead of \(C1 = 0.65\) used in Kennedy et al.

  • SWE_ETA_DEP: ratio of height/depth for switching from Boussinesq to NSWE for shock-capturing breaking. The value is \(\sim\) 0.80.


  • ROLLER_EFFECT: logical parameter for roller effects. If it is set TRUE, the roller and undertow effects will be taken into account into the sediment (suspended load) transport processes.


  • FRICTION_MATRIX: logical parameter for homogeneous and inhomogeneous frction field. T - inhomogeneous, F - homogeneous. Default: F.

  • FRICTION_FILE: name of friction file if FRICTION_MATRIX = T; the file dimensions should be Mglob x Nglob with the first point as the south-west corner. The read format in the code is shown below:

    DO J=1,Nglob
  • Cd_fixed: fixed bottom friction coefficient.

  • SHOW_BREAKING: logical parameter to calculate breaking index. Note that, if VISCOSITY_BREAKING is not selected, breaking is calculated using shock wave capturing scheme. The index calculated here is based on Kennedy et al. (2000).

  • WAVEMAKER_Cbrk: breaking parameter inside wavemaker. For some cases, the wave breaks inside the wavemaker. This parameter provides Cbrk inside the wavemaker domain. For most of cases, set WAVEMAKER_Cbrk = Cbrk1 or higher. Default: LARGE.