Wind and Pressure Field



Use FLAG_xx = -DMETEO in “Makefile” when compiling. Review compiling instructions here.

  • WindForce: logical parameter representing if wind effect is taken into account. T or F. If WindConstantField = T, WindForce = T automatically.

  • AirPressure: logical parameter representing if pressure effect is taken into account. T or F. If MeteoGausian = T, AirPressure = T automatically.

  • WindWaveInteraction: logical parameter representing if wave-wind interaction (Chen et al. 2003) based on the formula presented in the METEO module page. The parameter WindCrestPercent will be used.

  • Cdw: wind stress coefficient for the quadratic formula if WindForce = T. Default: 0.002.

  • WindCrestPercent: ratio of the forced wave crest height to the maximum surface elevation, if WindForce = T. Default: 1.0 (100%) (for storm surges).

  • WindConstantField: logical parameter for constant wind field. T or F.

  • CONSTANT_WIND_FILE: file name for the constant wind field. The following is an example of data format:

    Wind data:

    100  ! number of data
    0.0 ,    10.0 0.0   !  time(s), wu, wv (m/s)
    2000.0,   10.0,  0.0
    8000.0,  10.0,   0.0

    For example, for constant wind field, “input.txt” will look like:

    Cdw = 0.002
    WindConstantField = T
    WindWaveInteraction = T
    WindCrestPercent = 0.5
    CONSTANT_WIND_FILE = wind.txt
  • WindHollandModel: logical parameter for Holland model. T or F.

  • STORM_FILE: name of file contains paramters used for Holland hurricane model.

    A sample:

    STORM FILE ! (model does not read)
    Sandy      ! storm name
    time(s),     x(m), y(m),    pn(mb),   pc(mb),   A,    B  ! (model does not read)
    0.0,  800000.0, 400000.0,   1005.0, 950.0, 23.0, 1.50    ! time, x,y, pn, pc, A, B
    120000.0,  800000.0, 1500000.0,  1005.0, 950.0, 23.0, 1.50


Pressure Source (Gaussian distribution – elipse)

Add to “input.txt”

MeteoGaussian = T
METEO_GAUSSIAN_FILE = meteo_data.txt    ! (for example)

You will need specify your pressure source in the file: “meteo_data.txt” (for example):

Meteo data file
time, x, y, dP(mb), SigmaX, SigmaY, Angle(0 = +x direction)
0.0       0.0 25000.0   5.0 10000.0 100000.0 0.0
36000.0  720000.0 25000.0  5.0 10000.0 10000.0 0.0

Output section of “input.txt”

RESULT_FOLDER = output/   ! this parameter is located in the PRINT section of "input.txt"
Hmax = T
Hmin = T
OUT_METEO = T    ! (T will have output of pressure distribution)