Irregular waves with 30 deg oblique incidence¶

Update the incident wave angle of the irregular wavemaker in “input.txt” for this example. Refer to Basics for model setup for domain setup.
Set descriptive title for your simulation:
!-----TITLE----- TITLE = inlet_irr_30degSet the incident wave angle to 30 deg:
!-----WAVEMAKER----- WAVEMAKER = WK_IRR DEP_WK = 10.0 Xc_WK = 250.0 Yc_WK = 0.0 Ywidth_WK = 20000.0 FreqPeak = 0.0893 FreqMin = 0.03 FreqMax = 0.3 Hmo = 1.00 GammaTMA = 3.3 ThetaPeak = 30.0 ! here Sigma_Theta = 10.0Default option for energy splitting is EqualEnergy (refer to Spectrum: Equal Energy Splitting for more information). Refer to Wave-maker specification for parameter definitions.