Wave-maker specification


For theory about the wavemaker, see Internal Wavemaker (traditional)

  • WAVEMAKER: wavemaker type.

  • WAVEMAKER = INI_REC: initial rectangular hump

    need Xc,Yc and WID

  • WAVEMAKER = LEF_SOL: left boundary solitary

    need AMP, DEP, and LAGTIME

  • WAVEMAKER = INI_SOL: initial solitary wave propagate in +x direction, WKN B solution

    need AMP, DEP, and XWAVEMAKER

  • WAVEMAKER = INI_OTH: other initial distribution specified in the code by users

  • WAVEMAKER = WK_REG: Wei and Kirby 1999 internal wave maker

    need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, Ywidth_WK, Tperiod, AMP_WK, DEP_WK, Theta_WK, and Time_ramp (factor of period)

  • WAVEMAKER = WK_IRR: Wei and Kirby 1999 TMA spectrum wavemaker (internal)

    need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, Ywidth_WK, DEP_WK, Time_ramp, Delta_WK,  FreqPeak, FreqMin,FreqMax, Hmo, GammaTMA (default: 3.3 ), ThetaPeak (default: 0.0), Nfreq (default: 45), Ntheta (default: 24), EqualEnergy (if TRUE, this means that the frequency splitting is based on Equal-Energy, otherwise, based on Equal-Frequency space)

  • WAVEMAKER = JON_2D: JONSWAP spectrum wavemaker (internal)

    need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, Ywidth_WK, DEP_WK, Time_ramp, Delta_WK,  FreqPeak, FreqMin,FreqMax, Hmo, GammaTMA (default: 3.3 ), ThetaPeak (default: 0.0), Nfreq (default: 45), Ntheta (default: 24)

  • WAVEMAKER = JON_1D: JONSWAP 1D spectrum wavemaker (internal)

    need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, Ywidth_WK, DEP_WK, Time_ramp, Delta_WK,  FreqPeak, FreqMin, FreqMax, Hmo, GammaTMA (default: 3.3 ), Nfreq (default: 45)

  • WAVEMAKER = TMA_1D: TMA 1D spectrum wavemaker (internal)

    need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, Ywidth_WK, DEP_WK, Time_ramp, Delta_WK,  FreqPeak, FreqMin, FreqMax, Hmo, GammaTMA (Note, still use TMA Gamma, default: 3.3 ), Nfreq (default: 45)


    provide an fft of a time series to get each wave component, and then use Wei and Kirby’s (1999) wavemaker. For this internal wavemaker, the wave angle is zero (x direction) for all wave components. Need input WaveCompFile (including 3 columns: per, amp, pha) and NumWaveComp, PeakPeriod, DEP_WK, Xc_WK, Ywidth_WK

  • WAVEMAKER = WK_DATA2D: 2D directional spectrum data specified in WaveCompFile. Internal wavemaker. Need Xc_WK, Yc_WK, DEP_WK, Delta_WK.

    Format of WaveCompFile:

    62  35   - NumFreq NumDir
    0.0925000011921 - PeakPeriod
    0.0400 - Freq
    0.0475 - Freq
    -0.05  - Dir (degree)
    0.0    - Dir (degree)
    0.01133044 0.00973217 ... (amplitude,m)

    An example for preparing WaveCompFile can be found in /simple_cases/beach_2d/spectral_data/. It is a case which converts wave data from FRF to the model input. Run the matlab script mk_2d_1d_spec_frf.m to generate a file called wave2d_frf.txt. In input.txt, specify WaveCompFile = ../spectral_data/MATLAB/wave2d_frf.txt

    The read format in fortran:

      ALLOCATE (Amp_Ser(NumFreq,NumDir),  &
      DO J=1,NumFreq
      DO I=1,NumDir
      DO I=1,NumDir
    ! you dont have to input phase info. The program will skip the phase info
    ! if there is no more data below Amp_Ser
      DO I=1,NumDir
  • WAVEMAKER = LEFT_BC_IRR: Wavemaker at the left boundary (ghost cells). This type of wavemaker reflects waves at the left boundary. Need WAVE_DATA_TYPE (DATA, TMA2D, JON2D, JON1D) and other parameters as the same as in the internal wavemaker. Although it is an irregular wavemaker, it can generate regular waves using WAVE_DATA_TYPE = DATA by specifying a single wave component.

  • WAVEMAKER = INI_GAUSSIAN or INI_GAU: initial Gaussian hump. Need AMP, Xc, Yc, and WID.


  • WAVE_DATA_TYPE: Type of wave data needed for LEFT_BC_IRR WaveMaker. It can be DATA or other types used for internal wavemakers

  • AMP: amplitude (m) of initial \(\eta\), if WAVEMAKER = INI_REC, WAVEMAKER = INI_SOL, WAVEMAKER = LEF_SOL.

  • DEP: water depth at wavemaker location, if WAVEMAKER = INI_SOL, WAVEMAKER = LEF_SOL.

  • LAGTIME, time lag (s) for the solitary wave generated on the left boundary, e.g., WAVEMAKER = LEF_SOL.

  • XWAVEMAKER: x (m) coordinate for WAVEMAKER = INI_SOL.

  • Xc: x (m) coordinate of the center of a rectangular hump if WAVEMAKER = INI_REC.

  • Yc: y (m) coordinate of the center of a rectangular hump if WAVEMAKER = INI_REC.

  • WID: width (m) of a rectangular hump if WAVEMAKER = INI_REC, or INI_GAU.

  • Time_ramp: time ramp (s) for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker. Default: 0.0.

  • Delta_WK: width parameter \(\delta\) for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker. Need trial and error, usually, \(\delta\) = \(1.0 \sim 3.0\).

  • DEP_WK: water depth (m) for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker.

  • Xc_WK: x coordinate (m) for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker.

  • Yc_WK: y coordinate (m) for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker.

  • Ywidth_WK: width (m) in y direction for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker. Default: LARGE (999999.0).

  • Tperiod: period (s) of regular wave for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker.

  • AMP_WK: amplitude (m) of regular wave for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker.

  • Theta_WK: direction (degrees) of regular wave for Wei and Kirby (1999) wavemaker. Note: it may be adjusted if a periodic boundary condition is used. A warning will be given if adjustment is made.

  • Nfreq: number of frequency components. Default: 45.

  • Ntheta: number of direction components. Default: 24.

  • FreqPeak: peak frequency (1/s) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.

  • FreqMin: low frequency cutoff (1/s) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.

  • FreqMax: high frequency cutoff (1/s) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.

  • Hmo: Hmo (m) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.

  • GammaTMA: TMA parameter \(\gamma\) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker. GammaTMA = 3.3 if JONSWAP is used.

  • ThetaPeak: peak direction (degrees) for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.

  • Sigma_Theta: parameter of directional spectrum for Wei and Kirby (1999) irregular wavemaker.