Introduction to FUNWAVE-TVD Makefile


Zhouteng Ye

Quick start

How to make

To whom load has the experience with GNU make, simply skip this section.

In FUNWAVE-TVD, the makefile is used to compile the FORTRAN code to an executable.

If the makefile is named with Makefile, then in the terminal, cd into the path of the Makefile and simply type


and the makefile will be executed (if not, make sure you have GNU make installed)

If the the name of the makefile is not Makefile, for example, foo, then corresponding command to execute the foo makefile is

make -f foo

Sometimes the makefile has different options from the command line input. For example in FUNWAVE-TVD, there are options like clean, clobber. To execute the specific options, for example, clean, execute with

make clean

for Makefile

make -f foo clean

for foo.

The following of the will assume the name of the makefile is Makefile so that there is no -f option.

If you are interested in how Makefile works and practice some simple examples, you can refer to the the 3.

Two ways of compiling

Compile in src directory

This is the way FUNWAVE-TVD used to work, the whole compile process is taken in src directory. To compile in this way, either copy the Makefile from GNUMake/Old_Version_Makefiles to src and type


The executable will be generated in src path.

Example of compile and run FUNWAVE-TVD

In simple_cases/surface_wave_1d, an example Makefile could be found. In the example makefile, the common variable is

FUNWAVE_DIR = ../../..
WORK_DIR    = .
COMPILER    = gnu
PARALLEL    = true
PRECISION   = single
EXEC        = funwave

The FUNWAVE_DIR is set with a relative path, the absolute path is more recommended in practical usage. The WORK_DIR =. so that no new directory will be created. The COMPILER = gnu, PARALLEL = true and PRECISION = single so that this case will be compiled by gnu compiler and mpi library with simple precision. The final executable name will be funwave--gnu-parallel-single.

Compile the executable

cd into simple_cases/surface_wave_1d directory and typing


in , an executable named funwave--gnu-parallel-single will be created.

Run the executable

To run the executable without specify the file name, run

mpirun -np xxx ./funwave--gnu-parallel-single

xxx is the number of the processor, which should be consistent to the value of PX x PY in the input file. In this case, the input file is input.txt.

To specify the input file when running executable, executed with

mpirun -np xxx ./funwave--gnu-parallel-single FILENAME

FILENAME is the name of the input file.

In this case, we use the input_solitary.txt as the input file. PX = 4 and PY = 1, so that the number of the processor is 4. The corresponding bash command would be

mpirun -np 4 ./funwave--gnu-parallel-single input_solitary.txt

Clean the compiler files

To clean all the compiler related files, including objective files, module files and pre-processor FORTRAN files. Execute with

make clean

To clean all the compiler related files and the executable, execute with

make clobber

To clean up the whole work directory (Be careful with this option), execute with

make extra-clobber

Common variables explained

An example of the common variables makefile

WORK_DIR    = funwave-work
COMPILER    = gnu
PARALLEL    = true
EXEC        = funwave
PRECISION   = single

    The path to FUNWAVE directory, can be either absolute path or reference path. To set to current directory, set FUNWAVE_DIR = .


    The path to the work directory. A new directory will be created named $(WORK_DIR) To set to current directory, set WORK_DIR = .


    Supported compiler: gnu, intel, and pgi


    parallel flags for the model, either true or false


    precision of the model, either single or double

  • EXEC:

    The name for executable. By default, the name of the executable will be “funwave-SUFFIX”. SUFFIX is a self-explanatory string depending on the values of the variables above. If the name of the executable is not funwave, for example, foo, then the executable name will be foo without any suffix.

Defined flags explained (unfinished)





  • FLAG_5 = -DMETEO

  • FLAG_6 = -DWIND



  • FLAG_9 = -DTMP


Limitations of the Common variables

Compiler and MPI supported by the basic options

The combination of COMPILER and PARALLEL decides the name of the compiler command as below








PARALLEL=true (openmpi)




PARALLEL=true (mpich)




PARALLEL=true (intelmpi)



the version of mpi can be specified by MPI in uncommon variables category. the

Customize the makefile

For some specific requirement, for example, computational environment, external libraries, one can either customize the main makefile or the essential makefile. Multiple versions of the makefiles and essential makefiles are

Uncommon variables explained

  • SPHERICAL = false

    Should be true or false. If true, FUNWAVE-TVD will be compiled with spherical coordinate, if false (by default), FUNWAVE-TVD will be compiled wit Cartesian grid.


    Should be true or false. The value of DEBUG Determine the debug and optimization flags as below




    -O0 -g -Wall -fPIC

    -O2 -fPIC


    -O0 -check -warn -fPIC

    -O2 -fPIC


    -O0 -fPIC

    -O2 -fPIC -w

  • MPI

    As mentioned before, the value of the MPI is referred to 1.6.1.

  • DEF_FC

    Use Defined compiler name for specific machine. If DEF_FC is empty, the compiler name would be determined by the COMPILER, MPI and PARALLEL (see 1.6.1). If DEF_FC has its value, for example, DEF_FC = ftn, then the code will be compiled with fnt.


    User Defined compiler flags. If DEF_FC is empty, DEF_FC_FLAG will do nothing to the makefile. While DEF_FC is non-empty, compiler flags will no long determined by DEBUG, but uses the value of DEF_FC_FLAG.

  • INCS

    Include file list (usually external libraries)

  • LIBS

    External libraries

Customized main makefile

To customize the main makefile, simply adjust the uncommon variables. This is an easy way to do customization.

Some notes to the modification

  • To add INC or LIBS, one can add the value at the end or the line, or add new lines for any of the value in LIBS. For example, for some machine, the parallel intel compile is executed with ifort and -lmpi flag, then adding a new line with MPILIB = -lmpi will work.

  • Be careful with intel compiler case. FUNWAVE-TVD actually has a -DINTEL flag, if the compiler actually relies on intel compiler(In some machine, sgi or Cray actually uses intel compiler), this flag should always be turned on.

    If the DEF_FC actually uses intel compiler, set COMPILER = intel.

Customized the essential makefile

There are different sections in the essential makefile. If you are familiar with GNU make, this way brings more flexibility.

Some notes to the modification

  • In this case, the intel compiler should also be taken care with as FUNWAVE-TVD has a -DINTEL flag, if the compiler actually relies on intel compiler(In some machine, sgi or Cray actually uses intel compiler), this flag should always be turned on.

    If you modify the Choice of COMPILER in the essential makefile, the following lines should be modified as well.

ifeq ($(COMPILER),$(filter $(COMPILER), intel, sgi))

Convert from old version makefile to current version.

It is easy to convert the old version makefiles to the current version. The main difference are FC, Defined flags, LIBS and INCS. The following two examples shows how to modify the current version that works equivalent to the old version makefile.

NOTE: I do not have the access to ONYX or Topaz, the two examples are remaining to be tested. (July 25, 2019, Zhouteng Ye)

Example of editing main makefile

make a copy of Makefile named Makefile_ONYX and edit

DEF_FC = fnt
DEF_FC_FLAG = -module -O2 -g -fPic

Since DEF_FC is not empty, the fortran compiler would be the value of DEF_FC and corresponding flags will be DEF_FC_FLAG.

Example of editing essential makefile

make a copy of Make_Essential named Make_Essential_Topaz and edit the Fortran compiler section as below.

ifneq ($(DEF_FC),$(filter $(DEF_FC), ''))
  FC = $(DEF_FC)
ifeq ($(COMPILER),$(filter $(COMPILER), intel))
  USE_MOD = -module $(MOD_DIR)
  FC = ifort
  MPILIB = -lmpi -Bdynamic
else ifeq ($(COMPILER),$(filter $(COMPILER), sgi))
  USE_MOD = -module $(MOD_DIR)
  FC = mpiifort
  MPILIB = -Bdynamic
$(error Fatal ERROR: COMPILER=$(COMPILER) and DEF_FC is empty, Please correct the COMPILER or customize the DEF_FC.)

Since both sgi and intel actually uses intel compiler, the following part should be modified as well

ifeq ($(COMPILER),$(filter $(COMPILER), intel, sgi))

and in the main file, edit

include $(FUNWAVE_DIR)/GNUMake/Essential/Make_Essential_Topaz

Now you should be able to choose intel or sgi from the COMPILER in the main makefile. When COMPILER = sgi, FC = mpiifort; when COMPILER = intel, FC = ifort and MPILIB = -lmpi. It should be noted that in this example, PARALLEL does nothing with the choice of compiler.

Debug during customization

The following two commands would be useful while modifying the main makefile and essential makefile.

  • make check-env Print the compier version and mpi version

  • make print-foo Check the value of foo in Makefile (Or Makefile_Essential) For example, make print $(EXEC) and you will see the final $(EXEC) name

Appendix: Compile a project with Makefile

Starting with an example project with 2 files


program main
  Implicit None
#if defined (double_precision)
  Integer, Parameter :: SP = 8
  Integer, Parameter :: SP = 4

  Real(SP) :: test = 1.0_sp / 3.0_sp

#if defined (method_1)
  print *, 'method_1, test = ', test
#elif defined (method_2)
  print *, 'method_2, test = ', test
#elif defined (method_3)
  print *, 'method_3, test = ', test
end program main


#if defined (method_1)
subroutine sub
  print *,'method_1'
end subroutine sub
#elif defined (method_2)
subroutine sub
  print *,'method_2'
end subroutine sub
subroutine sub
  print *,'method_3'
end subroutine sub

To compile the code with method_1, one way is to apply pre-processor to each .f95 and compile the files to .o file and link the two .o files into an executable bu the following commands.

cpp -P -Ddouble_precision -Dmethod_1 pre_processor.f95 pre_processor.f90
gfortran -c -O3 pre_processor.f90 -o pre_processor.o
cpp -P -Ddouble_precision -Dmethod_1 sub.f95 sub.f90
gfortran -c -O3 sub.f90 -o sub.o
gfortran -O3 -o run pre_processor.o sub.o

What if we have many files in a project? Do we have to modify the compile command every time a modification is made to the project? If you use makefile, that would never happen.

In some aspect of view, Makefile is a way to assign rules to the compile process. In this way, when you modify your project with the rule written in makefile, you will not have to always modify the makefile.

if you are new to makefile, I recommend not only to execute file, but also see the popup scripts on screen and the new files generated by the makefile

First makefile

In the first makefile, the only rule is run and clean, the run part is exactly to execute the command line one by one. and the clean part will clean up all the pre processor files .f90, objective file .o and the executable run.


  cpp -P -Ddouble_precision -Dmethod_1 pre_processor.f95 pre_processor.f90
  gfortran -c -O3 pre_processor.f90 -o pre_processor.o
  cpp -P -Ddouble_precision -Dmethod_1 sub.f95 sub.f90
  gfortran -c -O3 sub.f90 -o sub.o
  gfortran -O3 -o run pre_processor.o sub.o

  rm pre_processor.f90
  rm pre_processor.o
  rm sub.f90
  rm sub.o
  rm run

To compile:

make -f Makefile-1

to clean:

make -f Makefile-1 clean

to run the code:


Second makefile

Now, the execution part is the same as Makefile-1, the only difference is some of the command becomes variable If you want to modify something, such as compiler, optimization flag, pre-processor flag, you do not have to modify all the way through the execution part.

If you look the the command windows, you will see the compiles command in the command window is almost the same as it is for Makefile-1 (except for one additional flag)


EXEC = run # the name of the execution file
FC = gfortran # the compiler, you can use intel, pgi, etc.
FCOPT = -O3   # OPT flag for fortran compiler
PP = cpp  # C pre-processor. cpp for GNU, fpp for intel

# pre processor flags, only the correct flag will affect the code,
#   the rest of the flags, either not exist in the fortran code, or
#   null, will not affect the result of the pre-processor.
CPPFLAG = -P $(FLAG_1) $(FLAG_2) $(FALG_3) $(FLAG_4)
FLAG_1 = -Ddouble_precision
FLAG_2 = -Danything_is_okay
# FLAG_3 = -Dor_not_used
FLAG_4 = -Dmethod_1

  $(PP) $(CPPFLAG) $(FLAG_1) $(FLAG_2) $(FLAG_3) $(FLAG_4) pre_processor.f95 pre_processor.f90
  $(FC) -c $(FC_OPT) pre_processor.f90 -o pre_processor.o
  $(PP) $(CPPFLAG) $(FLAG_1) $(FLAG_2) $(FLAG_3) $(FLAG_4) -P -Ddouble_precision -Dmethod_1 sub.f95 sub.f90
  $(FC) -c $(FC_OPT) sub.f90 -o sub.o
  $(FC)  $(FC_OPT) -o $(EXEC) pre_processor.o sub.o

  rm *.f90
  rm *.o
  rm $(EXEC)

To compile:

make -f Makefile-2

to clean:

make -f Makefile-2 clean

to run the code:


Third makefile

Makefile-2 looks much better than Makefile-1, but not enough. What if we have 1000 .f95 files in a project? Here we have a rule for all *.95 to all *.o

If you look the the command windows, you will see the compile command in the command window is identical to the case of Makefile-2


EXEC = run # the name of the execution file
FC = gfortran # the compiler, you can use intel, pgi, etc.
FCOPT = -O3   # OPT flag for fortran compiler
PP = cpp  # C pre-processor. cpp for GNU, fpp for intel

# pre processor flags, only the correct flag will affect the code,
#   the rest of the flags, either not exist in the fortran code, or
#   null, will not affect the result of the pre-processor.
CPPFLAG = -P $(FLAG_1) $(FLAG_2) $(FALG_3) $(FLAG_4)
FLAG_1 = -Ddouble_precision
FLAG_2 = -Danything_is_okay
# FLAG_3 = -Dor_not_used
FLAG_4 = -Dmethod_1

# if you know the dependency of the fortran file, you can simply
#   list them in one line

# rule for *.95 to *.o
.SUFFIXES: .o .f90 .f95
SRCS = pre_processor.f95 sub.f95
OBJS = $(SRCS:.f95=.o)
  $(PP) $(CPPFLAG) $*.f95 > $*.f90
  $(FC)  -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) $*.f90

# after all .o is gathered, link and generate the executable
$(EXEC): $(OBJS)
  $(FC)  $(FC_OPT) -o $(EXEC) $(OBJS)

  rm *.f90
  rm *.o
  rm $(EXEC)

To compile:

make -f Makefile-3

to clean:

make -f Makefile-3 clean

For makefile-3 you do not have to modify the $(EXEC) or .f95.o part, when anything change happens to the files in the project, you only need to modify $(SRCS).

More about makefile

Actually, the makefile-3 is very similar to the old version in FUNWAVE-TVD.

If you can compile some of your simple code with the above three versions of makefile, you should be able to modify and used it for your daily project.

But makefile can do much more for you. You can gradually modify your makefile to make it better.