Program outline and flow chart

The code was written using Fortran 90 with the c preprocessor (cpp) statements for separation of the source code. Arrays are dynamically allocated at runtime. Precision is selected using the selected_real_kind Fortran intrinsic function defined in the makefile. The default precision is single.

The present version of NearCoM-TVD includes a number of options including (1) choice of serial or parallel code (2) Cartesian or curvilinear coordinate, (3) samples.

The flow chart is shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 4 Flow chart of the main program.

Permanent variables associated with coupling

Depth(): still water depth h at element point

DepthX(): still water depth h at x-interface

DepthY(): still water depth h at y-interface

Eta(): surface elevation, for dry point, Eta() = MinDepth - Depth(), MinDepth is specified in input.txt.

Eta0(): \(\eta\) at previous time level

MASK(): 1 - wet, 0 - dry

MASK_STRUC(): 0 - permanent dry point

U(): depth-averaged u

V(): depth-averaged v

Uc(): contravariant component of depth-averaged velocity in \(\xi_1\) direction

Vc(): contravariant component of depth-averaged velocity in \(\xi_2\) direction

HU(): \((h+\eta)u\) at element

HV(): \((h+\eta)v\) at element

P(): \((h+\eta)U\) at x- interface for Cartesian, and \((h+\eta)Uc\) at \(\xi_1\) -interface curvilinear

Q(): \((h+\eta)V\) at y- interface for Cartesian, and \((h+\eta)Vc\) at \(\xi_2\) -interface curvilinear

Fx(): numerical flux F at x-interface

Fy(): numerical flux F at y-interface

Gx(): numerical flux G at x-interface

Gy(): numerical flux G at y-interface

Ubar(): \(HU\) for Cartesian and \(JHU\) for curvilinear

Vbar(): \(HV\) for Cartesian and \(JHV\) for curvilinear

EtaRxL(): \(\eta\) Left value at x-interface

EtaRxR(): \(\eta\) Right value at x-interface

EtaRyL(): \(\eta\) Left value at y-interface

EtaRyR(): \(\eta\) Right value at y-interface

HxL(): total depth Left value at x-interface

HxR(): total depth Right value at x-interface

HyL(): total depth Left value at y-interface

HyR(): total depth Right value at y-interface

HUxL(): \((h+\eta)u\) Left value at x-interface

HUxR(): \((h+\eta)u\) Right value at x-interface

HVyL(): \((h+\eta)v\) Left value at y-interface

HVyR(): \((h+\eta)v\) Right value at y-interface

PL(): Left P value at x-interface

PR(): Right P value at x-interface

QL(): Left Q value at y-interface

QR(): Right Q value at y-interface

Installation and compilation

NearCoM-TVD is distributed in a compressed fie. To install the programs, first, uncompress the package. Then use

\(>\) tar xvf \(*\).tar

to extract files from the uncompressed package. The exacted files will be distributed in two new directories: /CIRC_SWAN and /work.

To compile the program, go to /CIRC_SWAN and modify Makefile if needed. There are several necessary flags in Makefile needed to specify below.

-DDOUBLE_PRECISION: use double precision, default is single precision.

-DPARALLEL: use parallel mode, default is serial mode.

-DSAMPLES: include all samples, default is no sample included.

-DCURVILINEAR: curvilinear version, otherwise Cartesian.

\(\bf NOTE:\) setting curvilinear is a must for SWAN and SHORECIRC coupled model.

-DSEDIMENT: include sediment and seabed modules.

-DINTEL: INTEL compiler.

-DRESIDUAL: include tidal residual calculation.

-DSTATIONARY: stationary mode for SHORECIRC

CPP: path to CPP directory.

FC: Fortran compiler.

Then execute

\(>\) make clean

\(>\) make

The executable file ‘nearcom’ will be generated and copied from /CIRC_SWAN to /work/. Note: use ‘make clean’ after any modification of Makefile.

To run the model, go to /work. Modify INPUT if needed and run.


Following are descriptions of parameters in input.txt (\(\bf NOTE:\) all parameter names are capital sensitive).

  • SWAN INPUT: refer to SWAN manual. Model run time is set in SWAN model. For example,

    COMPUTE NONSTAT 20081114.160000 1 MI 20081114.230000

    The above setting means model run start from 2008 11 14 16:00 to 2008 11 14 23:00. The model call swan at \(DT_{\mbox{swan}}\) = 1 minute. The loop number for SHORECIRC and SEDIMENT is estimated by \(DT_{\mbox{swan}}\) and the time step of SHORECIRC (time varying).


    1. in SET, always set CARTESIAN in order to make a grid orientation consistent with SHORECIRC

    2. in SET, always set [inrhog] as 1 to get a true wave energy dissipation.

    3. in COMPUTE, always set NONSTAT mode.


SWAN_RUN: logical parameter to run SWAN

SHORECIRC_RUN: logical parameter to run SHORECIRC

WC_BOUND_WEST: west bound region (number of grid point) in which wave-current is inactive.

WC_BOUND_EAST : east bound region (number of grid point) in which wave-current is inactive.

WC_BOUND_SOUTH : south bound region (number of grid point) in which wave-current is inactive.

WC_BOUND_NORTH: north bound region (number of grid point) in which wave-current is inactive.

WC_LAG : time delay for wave-current interaction

  • TITLE:

title for SHORECIRC log file


PX: processor numbers in X

PY: processor numbers in Y

\(\bf NOTE:\) PX and PY must be consistency with number of processors defined in mpirun command, e.g., mpirun -np n (where n = px \(\times\) py).


DEPTH_TYPE: depth input type.

DEPTH_TYPE=DATA: from a depth file.
The program includes several simple bathymetry configurations such as
DEPTH_TYPE=FLAT: flat bottom, need DEPTH_FLAT
DEPTH_TYPE=SLOPE: plane beach along \(x\) direction. It needs three parameters: slope,SLP, slope starting point, Xslp and flat part of depth, DEPTH_FLAT
DEPTH_FILE: bathymetry file if DEPTH_TYPE=DATA, file dimension should be Mglob x Nglob

with the first point as the south-west corner. The read format in the code is shown below.

DO J=1,Nglob
DEPTH_FLAT: water depth of flat bottom if DEPTH_TYPE=FLAT or DEPTH_TYPE=SLOPE

(flat part of a plane beach).


Xslp: starting \(x\) (m) of a slope, if DEPTH_TYPE=SLOPE


RESULT_FOLDER: result folder name, e.g., RESULT_FOLDER = /Users/fengyanshi/tmp/


Mglob: global dimension in \(x\) direction.

Nglob: global dimension in \(y\) direction.

\(\bf NOTE:\) For parallel runs, Mglob and Nglob can be divided by PX and PY, respectively. MAX(Mglob,Nglob) can be divided by PX \(\times\) PY.


N_ITERATION: the iteration number for stationary mode of SHORECIRC

(set -DSTATIONARY in Makefile).

WATER_LEVEL_FILE: the file name of water level file containing time and water level, for

stationary mode. The following example shows the format.

water levels for stationary mode
5 - number of water level data
0.0 0.0 ! Time (s), Level (m)
3600.0 0.5
7200.0 0.8660
10800.0 1.0
14400.0 0.866
18000.0 0.5

PLOT_INTV: output interval in seconds (Note, output time is not exact because adaptive dt is used.)

SCREEN_INTV: time interval (s) of screen print.

PLOT_INTV_STATION: time interval (s) of gauge output


DX: grid size(m) in \(x\) direction, for Cartesian mode

DY: grid size(m) in \(y\) direction, for Cartesian mode

X_FILE: name of file to store x for curvilinear mode

Y_FILE: name of file to store y for curvilinear mode

\(\bf NOTE:\) data format is the same as the depth data shown above.

CORI_CONSTANT: logical parameter for constant Coriolis parameter

LATITUDE: latitude if constant Coriolis parameter is used

LATITUDE_FILE: name of file to store latitude at every grid point if not constant Coriolis

\(\bf NOTE:\) data format is the same as the depth data shown above.


ETA_CLAMPED: logical parameter for surface elevation clamped condition

V_CLAMPED: logical parameter for velocity clamped condition

FLUX_CLAMPED: logical parameter for flux clamped condition

TIDE_FILE: name of file to store tidal constituents

DATA FORMAT: please refer to mk_tide.f90. The formula of surface elevation at a tidal boundary can be expressed by

(67)\[\eta_0 (t) = \sum_{n=1}^Na_{0}({\bf x}, n) f_c (n) \cos \left(\frac{2\pi}{T(n)} t - \phi({\bf x}, n) + (V_0 +u_0)(n) \right)\]

where \(a_0\) and \(\phi\) represent amplitude and phase lag, respectively, for a harmonic constituent at location \(\bf x\). \(T\) is tidal period. \(f_c\) and \((V_0+u_0)\) are the lunar node factor and the equilibrium argument, respectively, for a constituent.

The following is an example of M2 + O1.
tidal boundary conditions
150 — number of days from Jan 1, to simulation date
2 — number of constituents
1.000 0.000 — \(f_c\) and \((V_0+u_0)\) for M2
0.980 0.000 — \(f_c\) and \((V_0+u_0)\) for O1
80 — number of tidal boundary points
1 , 1 — (i,j) grid location of tidal boundary
12.420 1.200 21.000 — \(T\), amplitude \(a_0\) and phase lag \(\phi\) for M2
24.000 0.3 30.100 – \(T\), amplitude \(a_0\) and phase lag \(\phi\) for O1
2 , 1 — (i,j) grid location of tidal boundary
12.420 1.200 21.000 — \(T\), amplitude \(a_0\) and phase lag \(\phi\) for M2
24.000 0.3 30.100 – \(T\), amplitude \(a_0\) and phase lag \(\phi\) for O1
3 , 1

FLUX_FILE: name of file to store time series of flux (e.g., unit width river flux)

Number of data, Number of flux point
I, J, River orientation
Time, Flux, Angle in Cartesian
where (I,J) represent grid points of river location. River orientation represents the direction which a river flows from in the IMAGE domain (for curvilinear coordinates). Use W,E,S and N for the orientation. For example, ‘W’ represents a river flowing into the domain from the west boundary (in IMAGE domain for curvilinear coordinates).

Please refer to mk_river.f90. The following is an example.
river flux boundary condition
5 2 ! NumTimeData, NumFluxPoint
1 38 W ! I, J, River_Orientation
0.000 0.200 0.000
360000.000 0.200 0.000
720000.000 0.200 0.000
1080000.000 0.200 0.000
1440000.000 0.200 0.000
1 39 W ! I, J, River_Orientation
0.000 0.200 0.000
360000.000 0.200 0.000
720000.000 0.200 0.000
1080000.000 0.200 0.000
1440000.000 0.200 0.000
end of file

    Spatially uniform wind field is assumed in this version.

WindForce: logical parameter for wind condition, T or F.

WIND_FILE: name of file for a time series of wind speed.

DATA FORMAT: the following is an example of wind data.

wind data
100 - number of data
0.0 , -10.0 0.0 — time(s), wu, wv (m/s)
2000.0, -10.0, 0.0
8000.0, -10.0, 0.0

Cdw: wind stress coefficient for the quadratic formula.


INT_UVZ : logical parameter for initial condition, default is FALSE

ETA_FILE: name of file for initial \(\eta\), e.g., ETA_FILE= /Users/fengyanshi/work/input/CVV_H.grd, data format is the same as depth data.

U_FILE: name of file for initial \(u\), e.g.,U_FILE= /Users/fengyanshi/work/input/CVV_U.grd, data format is the same as depth data.

V_FILE: name of file for initial \(v\), e.g., V_FILE= /Users/fengyanshi/work/input/CVV_V.grd, data format is the same as depth data.


There is no wavemaker implemented in SHORECIRC.


    (Note: only south-north periodic condition was implemented)

PERIODIC_X: logical parameter for periodic boundary condition in x direction, T - periodic, F - wall boundary condition.

PERIODIC_Y: logical parameter for periodic boundary condition in x direction.

Num_Transit: grid numbers needed to make periodic condition for SWAN. The reason to set this parameter is that SWAN doesn’t have an option for periodic boundary condition. In this implementation, a periodic boundary condition is implemented by making a transition from a left array ( count to Num_Transit from left boundary) to a right array.


SPONGE_ON: logical parameter, T - sponge layer, F - no sponge layer.

Sponge_west_width: width (m) of sponge layer at west boundary.

Sponge_east_width: width (m) of sponge layer at east boundary.

Sponge_south_width: width (m) of sponge layer at south boundary.

Sponge_north_width width (m) of sponge layer at north boundary

R_sponge: decay rate in sponge layer. Its values are between 0.85 \(\sim\) 0.95.

A_sponge: maximum damping magnitude. The value is \(\sim\) 5.0.


OBSTACLE_FILE: name of obstacle file. 1 - water point, 0 - permanent dry point. Data dimension is (Mglob \(\times\) Nglob). Data format is the same as the depth data.


Cd: quadratic bottom friction coefficient

nu_bkgd : background eddy viscosity parameter.


Time_Scheme: stepping option, Runge_Kutta or Predictor_Corrector (not suggested for this version).

HIGH_ORDER: spatial scheme option, FOURTH for the fourth-order, THIRD for the third-order, and SECOND for the second-order (not suggested for Boussinesq modeling).

CONSTRUCTION: construction method, HLL for HLL scheme, otherwise for averaging scheme.

CFL: CFL number, CFL \(\sim\) 0.5.

FroudeCap: cap for Froude number in velocity calculation for efficiency. The value could be 5 \(\sim\) 10.0.

MinDepth: minimum water depth (m) for wetting and drying scheme. Suggestion: MinDepth = 0.001 for lab scale and 0.01 for field scale.

MinDepthFrc: minimum water depth (m) to limit bottom friction value. Suggestion: MinDepthFrc = 0.01 for lab scale and 0.1 for field scale.


T_INTV_mean: time-averaging interval for Eulerian mean current and elevation. Note: use -DRESIDUAL in Makefile to make this option active.


    Note: set -DSEDIMENT in Makefile to make sediment module active

T_INTV_sed: time interval to call sediment module

Factor_Morpho: morphology factor.

D_50 : \(D_{50}\)

D_90 : \(D_{90}\)

por: sediment porosity

RHO: water density

nu_water: water eddy viscosity

S_sed: specific gravity

SOULSBY: logical parameter for Soulsby (1997) total load formula, T = true, F = false

z0: \(z_0\), bed roughness length.

KOBAYASHI: logical parameter for KOBAYASHI’s formula, T = true, F = false

angle_x_beach: coordinate rotation angle defined in Figure 1.

eB: \(e_B\), suspension efficiency for energy dissipation rate due to wave breaking

ef: \(e_f\), suspension efficiency for energy dissipation rate due to bottom friction

a_k: \(a\), empirical suspended load parameter.

b_k: \(b\), empirical bedload parameter.

TanPhi: \(\tan \phi\), where \(\phi\) is the angle of internal friction of the sediment.

Gm: \(G_m\) for slope function (\(G_m=10\)).

frc: friction coefficient in Kobayashi.

Si_c: a coefficient in calculating \(P_b\).


NumberStations: number of station for output. If NumberStations \(> 0\), need input i,j in STATION_FILE

DEPTH_OUT: logical parameter for output depth. T or F.

U: logical parameter for output \(u\). T or F.

V: logical parameter for output \(v\). T or F.

ETA: logical parameter for output \(\eta\). T or F.

HS: logical parameter for output of significant wave height \(H_s\). T or F.

WFC: logical parameter for output of wave force. T or F.

WDIR: logical parameter for output of peak wave direction. T or F.

WBV: logical parameter for output of wave orbital velocity. T or F.

MASK: logical parameter for output wetting-drying MASK. T or F.

SourceX: logical parameter for output source terms in \(x\) direction. T or F.

SourceY: logical parameter for output source terms in \(y\) direction. T or F.

UV3D: logical parameter for output 3D structure. T or F.

Qstk: logical parameter for output Stokes mass flux. T or F.

DepDt: logical parameter for output depth variation rate. T or F.

Qsed: logical parameter for output sediment transport rate. T or F.


The output files are saved in the result directory defined by RESULT_FOLDER in INPUT. For outputs in ASCII, a file name is a combination of variable name and an output series number such eta_0001, eta_0002, …. The format and read/write algorithm are consistent with a depth file. Output for stations is a series of numbered files such as sta_0001, sta_0002 ….