Journal Publications

  1. Abadie, S., J.C. Harris, S.T. Grilli and R. Fabre. 2012. Numerical modeling of tsunami waves generated by the flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands): tsunami source and near field effects, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C05030, doi:10.1029/2011JC007646

  2. Krause, T., 2011, “Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the United States East Coast”, M. S. Thesis, University of Rhode Island. (NO PDF FILE)

  3. Grilli, S. T., O’Reilly, C., Harris, J. C., Tajalli Bakhsh, T., Tehranirad, B., Banihashemi, S., Kirby, J. T., Baxter, C. D. P., Eggeling, T., Ma, G. and Shi, F., 2015 “Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper U. S. East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD”, Natural Hazards, 76, 705-746, doi:10.1007/s11069-014-1522-8.

  4. Tehranirad, B., Harris, J. C., Grilli, A. R., Grilli, S. T., Abadie, S., Kirby, J. T. and Shi, F., 2015, “Far-field tsunami hazard on the western European and US east coast from a large scale flank collapse of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172, 3589-3616, doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1135-5.

  5. Shelby, M., Grilli, S. T. and Grilli, A. R., 2016, “Tsunami hazard assessment in the Hudson River Estuary based on dynamic tsunami-tide simulations”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, published online, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1315-y.

  6. Schnyder, J. S. D., Eberli, G. P., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F., Tehranirad, B., Mulder, T., Ducassou, E., Hebbeln, D. and Wintersteller, P., 2016, “Tsunamis caused by submarine slope failures along western Bahama Bank”. Scientific Reports, 6, 35925, doi:10.1038/srep35925.